SELL: Wing EN B Skywalk Tequila 3 M 90-110kg Branched 3x On SIVká 2x Bathed 1x TC valid Small repairs

priority_high This offer is archived.
Added Dec. 1, 2024, 10:58 p.m.

438.34 EUR
(11,000.00 CZK)

Category: Wings / EN B
Manufacturer: Skywalk
Model: Tequila 3
Serial Number: Filled.
Size: M
Flying weight: 90 - 110kg
Features: Branched 3x On SIVká 2x Bathed 1x, TC valid, Small repairs
Usage: Used (100-200h)
Year of Production: 2011 link: Link

It's a super nice wing. I'm selling it because I gained 10 kilos and bought a Kibo.

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