SELL: Wing EN B 777 Rook 3 S 70-85kg With bag No flying on the sand No SIVs No trees No water

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Added Feb. 1, 2024, 4:14 p.m.

5,991.10 PLN
(1,400.00 EUR)

Category: Wings / EN B
Manufacturer: 777
Model: Rook 3
Size: S
Flying weight: 70 - 85kg
Features: With bag, No flying on the sand, No SIVs, No trees, No water
Usage: Lightly used (50-100h)
Year of Production: 2020 link: Link

Padacik ma technicku -musim pohladat preukaz.... lietala som na nom od kupy 2x , nemam na xconteste tie lety zaznamenane, nesedi mi velkost som velmi lahka donho
Kupovany bol 21.04.2023
Je to horne Bcko, krasne leti aj sa ovlada, rychlost je citelna oproti dolnemu Bcku.
Z vnutornej strany bola lepena letecka SPZ a je scasti odstranena

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