SELL: Wing EN B AXIS Pluto 4 L 90-115kg

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Added April 18, 2024, 11:25 a.m.

3,967.50 PLN
(23,400.00 CZK)

Category: Wings / EN B
Manufacturer: AXIS
Model: Pluto 4
Serial Number: Filled.
Size: L
Flying weight: 90 - 115kg
Usage: Used (100-200h)
Year of Production: 2021

AXIS Pluto 4 - size L (90 - 115kg) production date: 04/2021 properties: not branched, not bathed, not flown on sand, leafy, small repairs, TK valid flown: 107 hours technical until 01/2025 from the last technical (01/2023) air flow 37 hours on the lower cover of the left ear two small holes, taped over with skytex (see photo) in several places minor dirt first owner

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