SELL: Wing EN B BGD Base 2 M 75-95kg No water Concertinas TC fresh TC valid With bag Small repairs

TOP - Added Aug. 5, 2024, 3:46 p.m.

1,545.18 EUR
(39,000.00 CZK)

Category: Wings / EN B
Manufacturer: BGD
Model: Base 2
Size: M
Flying weight: 75 - 95kg
Features: No water, Concertinas, TC fresh, TC valid, With bag, Small repairs
Usage: Lightly used (50-100h)
Year of Production: 2022

The wing is in great condition, only a few tens of hours flown, I am the first owner, just a small professional tear repaired with a small adhesive patch. Czech technical license and possible subsequent service and TK secured in the Czech Republic in Liberec.

Pickup Options:
Pickup, Send Item, Pay on Delivery

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