SELL: Wing DAGC (powered) Dudek Nucleon WRC-27 90-130kg No water No SIVs TC valid Powered ready With bag No trees

priority_high This offer is archived.
Added March 21, 2024, 11:56 a.m.

800.00 EUR

Category: Wings / DAGC (powered)
Manufacturer: Dudek
Model: Nucleon WRC-27
Serial Number: Filled.
Flying weight: 90 - 130kg
Features: No water, No SIVs, TC valid, Powered ready, With bag, No trees
Usage: Used (100-200h)
Year of Production: 2014

Hello, I am selling this category C parachute, year of manufacture 2014, flown every year, if not used, it was always wrapped in a package and inside, where the sun did not shine on it and at the same time it did not freeze, the color of the parachute does not fade, the cords are also undamaged, I did not acrobatics on him, neither bathed nor overworked.

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