SELL: Wing CCC and Without Tests Guru 90-105kg No trees With listing bag No TC Small repairs Concertinas No water

priority_high This offer is archived.
Added April 4, 2024, 11:39 a.m.

320.00 EUR
(6,000.00 CZK)

Category: Wings / CCC and Without Tests
Manufacturer: Guru
Serial Number: Filled.
Flying weight: 90 - 105kg
Features: No trees, With listing bag, No TC, Small repairs, Concertinas, No water
Usage: Used (100-200h)
Year of Production: 2019 link: Link

It is in good condition, TK has not been renewed since last year because I fly two more eras (Zeno2, Boom12), but it will not be a problem for the new owner to renew it. Flight a little over 150 hours and minimal damage on the top cover, taped over. It is possible to try it after an agreement, I am not opposed to an agreement.

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