SELL: Wing EN A SWING Mito S s 70-95kg Concertinas TC valid

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Added July 31, 2023, 8:37 p.m.
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1,400.00 EUR

Category: Wings / EN A
Manufacturer: SWING
Model: Mito S
Serial Number: Filled.
Size: s
Flying weight: 70 - 95kg
Features: Concertinas, TC valid
Usage: Almost new (0-50h)
Year of Production: 2019

I will sell the wing SWING MITO S Flame, category EN A, year of manufacture 2019, take-off weight 70 - 95 kg. Tech. Validity 7/1/2024. The wing is in excellent condition, almost new, only flown for 1 hour. . packed with free flips, suitable for beginners and more advanced pilots who want comfortable and safe flying. The wing has a LŠZ recorder, a technical license, a manual, a protective cover and a quick repair kit.

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