SELL: Wing EN B MAC Eden 7-115kg 93 No water With listing bag No flying on the sand TC valid No trees

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Added Nov. 26, 2024, 10:46 a.m.

1,317.89 EUR
(33,000.00 CZK)

Category: Wings / EN B
Manufacturer: MAC
Model: Eden 7
Serial Number: Filled.
Flying weight: 115kg - 93
Features: No water, With listing bag, No flying on the sand, TC valid, No trees, Concertinas
Usage: Used (100-200h)
Year of Production: 2021 link: Link

I flew it for 3 seasons and I am selling it in good condition. A quiet and reliable wing for overflights.

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Product Information
About Manufacturer:

MAC Para Technology, a Czech-based manufacturer established in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, has been producing high-quality paragliders since its founding. Known for their dedication to innovation and performance, MAC Para designs and manufactures a wide range of paragliders suitable for all levels of pilots.

Product Description:

The MAC Eden 7 is a high-performance EN-B certified paraglider designed for ambitious cross-country pilots. This semi-light wing combines advanced technology and materials to provide exceptional performance and safety. The Eden 7 features a 6.06 aspect ratio and uses a blend of Skytex 32 and Skytex 38 fabrics for durability and lightweight properties. It includes sharknose technology, 3D shaping, mini ribs on the trailing edge and a new stabilizer shape, all of which contribute to its excellent aerodynamic profile and stability. The glider is designed to provide a relaxed feel for the pilot, so it is suitable for advanced pilots (high B) looking for a wing that offers both safety and high performance.

Technical Specifications:
Eden7 22 (XS) 24 (S) 26 (M) 28 (L) 30 (XL) 33 (XL)
Zoom [%] 88 92 96 100 104 109.5
Area laid out [m 2 ] 21.92 23.95 26.08 28.3 30.61 33.93
Projected area [m 2 ] 19.26 21.05 22.92 24.87 26.9 29.82
Designed span [m] 11.53 12.05 12.58 13.1 13.62 14.34
Stretch designed 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06
Wing depth [m] 2.4 2.51 2.62 2.73 2.84 2.99
Number of cells 59 59 59 59 59 59
Umbrella weight [kg] 4.20 4.45 4.75 5.00 5.30 5.60
Starting weight * [kg] 55 - 80 70 - 90 82 - 103 93 - 115 105 - 130 115 - 145
Min. speed [km/h] 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25 23 - 25
Trim speed [km/h] 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39 37 - 39
Max. speed [km/h] 50 - 52 50 - 52 50 - 52 50 - 52 50 - 52 50 - 52
Glide ratio max. +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
Min. sinking [m/s] 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
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