SELL: Backpack Spin FS 180 E Used Transport packaging Battery charging Battery 2 blade propeller

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Added April 20, 2024, 2:11 p.m.

3,116.26 EUR
(78,000.00 CZK)

Category: Powered Paragliding / Backpacks
Manufacturer: Spin
Model: FS 180 E
Usage: Used
Features: Transport packaging, Battery charging, Battery, 2 blade propeller, Wooden propeller, Electric starter, Gas in left hand
Year of Production: 2019

I prefer to sell the entire set, price for the set: - SPIN FS 180 E (with a turned engine like Spin Talon), year 2019, flown at least, approx. 12 o'clock - stable glider MAC PARA TREND 4-28, porosities see photo from the last TK, since then stored - Nirvana Vampire seat (used for training control over the wing on the ground) - ENGINE helmet, size 56-58 - battery charger in case of longer shutdowns - SPIN transport packaging, including "squeak tree" for the wing and a MAC PARA transport bag. The set is also suitable for beginners, for example as their own course equipment with savings on course fees.

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